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4 Ways to Improve the Air Quality of Your Home

Jun 07, 2023

People spend a lot of time indoors — roughly 92% of their lives, according to Statista. That means that you want to be breathing clean air when you're inside. Here are four ways to improve your home's air quality.

1. Make Sure You Have Proper Ventilation

You want to have good airflow throughout your home. When the weather is warmer, you can open up some doors and windows, but you also need to check the daily outdoor air quality report from the EPA. If your area frequently has poor outdoor air quality, you need a good ventilation system. An HVAC company can install filtered ventilation fans to draw out polluted air and bring in fresh, filtered air.

2. Schedule Duct Cleaning Services

If you have a central air conditioner, your home has a system of ductwork to distribute the conditioned air to every room. Unfortunately, these ducts can collect dust, pollen, and other pollutants and redistribute them throughout your home. Call an AC repair company to check your air filters and clean your air ducts regularly.

3. Install a Whole-Home Air Purification System

As HVAC equipment evolves, new options for air cleaning are becoming more accessible to homeowners. Your AC repair company can install a whole-home in-duct air purifier to ensure your indoor air is as clean as possible. As your central AC or heating system circulates air throughout the ducts, the air purifier will remove contaminants, enhancing the air quality throughout your living space.

4. Keep Your Home Clean

Having a dusty home is certain to make it harder to breathe. Be diligent about vacuuming at least once a week and do it twice in areas that have a high level of foot traffic. You should take off your shoes when you come inside so that you don't track dirt or grime around your home when you walk around. If you have carpets, consider scheduling regular carpet cleaning services, too.

With support from your local
AC repair company, you should have a much better time breathing when you're at home. Modern HVAC equipment and cleaning techniques can provide you with clean indoor air no matter what the air quality index is for your area. If you're looking for air quality services, call Morgan Air Conditioning & Reclamation today!

local ac repair
09 Nov, 2023
There are a few clear signs that you should call your local AC repair service. Keep reading or contact us today to learn more.
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